Thursday, July 26, 2007

23 weeks

I have been able to see the baby moving the last few days! And today she had the hickups. I can sure tell that she is getting so much bigger now. I think that we have narrowed the name down to Isabella or Gabriella. Daddy is leaning towards Gabriella. Either way, we are going to be calling her Ella ( if one of those choices is her name.)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hmmm? Names?

Well here we are at 22 weeks and 3 days and I still have no ideas for any names. I do have a couple, but I am not sure if they are right or not. So far we have thought of
Gabriella Hope
Isabella Hope
Madaline Hope
Emma Hope
Adrianna Hope

I am determaned to choose a name asap.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

21 weeks 5 days

I am feeling really good. I am just a bit tired in the afternoons. I need to learn how to nap. I am starting to feel the baby move around quite a bit. The other day Matthew was laying his head on my tummy and she gave him a great big kick on the side of his head. He thought that was special to be the first one to feel her move. Soon i am sure that all the kids and Paul will be feeling her move around in there.
We are still undecided on a name. I just cant decide on anything. I need to do some more researching!!!

Monday, July 9, 2007

It's a GIRL!! and we are so excited. I cant wait to meet her. Now to choose a name??? HMMMMM???????

So far Mom like Isabella Hope or Madaline Hope

Dad is undecided.