Wednesday, November 26, 2008

New blog

We are going to have only one blog for the whole family.

I am not going to delete this blog. But I have added a link to our new family blog. I wont be adding any more posts to this one.....

But only to the link below

Happy Birthday To You!!

Ava is a year old today ! She is starting to let go when hanging on to something while standing. She is saying Mama. baba(when she wants a drink) , hey, bye. She is such a sweet quiet baby... that is untill she gets mad. Then everyone needs to watch out.

Have a great second year Ava :)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Time Flys !!!

Wow!! Tomorrow Ava will be 11 months old. Time fly by so quickly! She is growing so much. She is now saying words... bye, mom, what.... She is standing up on furniture and walking around on it. Ava is a big girl. She is very tall for her age. Its so hard to believe that next month it will be her first birthday!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Avalynn ( 7 months old)

Ava is such a great baby. She never fusses, unless she is hungry or tired, and even then she is so calm. I have never had such a quiet baby. Ava loves to sit in the living room or her room with a couple of toys. She will sit there for a long time. Ava started eating finger foods this month. She loves the gerber graduates. Sweet potato veggie puffs are her favorite. She is also eating cherrios and pancakes and french toast. Ava is trying to crawl. So far she can go backwards. But she is ready to get busy, I am not to sure how ready I am????

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

May 2nd 08 - 5 months old

Ava had her picture done at Sears.

Monday, May 26, 2008

First Cookie

YUMMY!! Ava tried her first cookie ( a farley banana buscuit) while we were camping on May long weekend. She made quite the mess, but she loved it.

Friday, April 4, 2008

YUMMMM! First Foods

Avalynn had her first bite of food on April 3rd 2008. She had some pears and after the sour face, she actually loved them. Tomorrow morning I will add some to her rice cereal.